atechnical assistance parking

Callcenter parking Solving incidents for you

With our Callcenter service for car parks, we provide you with remote assistance and incident management of everything that happens in your car park during the schedule you need.

Whatever happens in your car park, our operators will attend to you when you don’t have staff in the facility. Giving you the relief that your customers will always be taken care of, and the car park always working.

  • Answer to intercoms.
  • Resolution of incidents and daily management.
  • Coordination with the parking staff.
asistencia tecnica parking

Flexible schedule

Car park open 24h

Supporting your parking staff

Without needing operators


Configuration and attention

We configure all intercoms of barrier, ATMs and other information points.

And we answer remotely calls and incidents from customers in your car park. They are always taken care of, whatever happens.

atencion interfonos parking



We will have remote access to the software and equipment installed in the car park, carrying out the operators functions such as customer support, payment or license plate verification.

asistencia remota parking


We manage and resolve possible incidents that may arise during customer interactions, such as:

  • Ticket lost.
  • Incidents with barriers.
  • Unread license plates.
  • Access failure.



Every month we will send you a report with all the incidents that have occurred, and the actions we took to resolve them.

callcenter for car park

Request a quote

Without obligation.
Adapted to your project.